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  3. 特別推進研究2009年度活動報告

◆特別推進研究 2009年度活動報告

  1. 若月利之、水田農業の普及によるアフリカの緑の革命実現と土壌物理学的問題点. 土壌の物理性、112号、13-25、2009. [PDF]
  2. 若月利之、アフリカ発谷地田農法で新・緑の革命. 現代農業、11月号、346-350、2009. [PDF]
  3. Watanabe, Y, Masunaga T, Owusu-Sekyere E, and Wakatsuki, T et al., Evaluation of growth and carbon storage as influenced by soil chemical properties and moisture on teak (Tectonia grandis) in Ashanti region, Ghana. J. Food, Agriculture & Environment, Vol.7(2),640-645, 2009. [PDF]
  4. Fu, Regina HY, Maruyama, M, and Wakatsuki, T, Traditional Farmer-Managed Irrigation System in Central Nigeria. Japan Agriculture Research Quarterly, 44(1), 53-60,2009. [PDF]
  5. Fu, Regina HY, Maruyama, M, Oladele OI, and Wakatsuki, T, Farmers adoption and propensity to abandoned adoption of sawah-based rice farming in the inland valley of central Nigeria. Journal of Food, Agriculture&Environment,Vol.7(2), 379-382, 2009. [PDF]
  6. Watanabe, Y, Masunaga, T, Fashala, OO, Agboola, A, Oviasuyu, PK, and Wakatsuki, T, Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Pinus Carbaea growth in relation to soil physic-chemical properties in plantation forests in Northern Nigeria. Soil Science & Plant Nutrition, 55, 132-141, 2009. [PDF]
  7. Husnain, Wakatsuki T and Masuanga T, Dissolved silica dynamics and phytoplankton population in Citarum Watershed, Indonesia. J. Food, Agriculture  & Environment, Vol 7(3&4), 132-139, 2009. [PDF]
  8. Ademiluyi, SY, Oladele, OI, and Wakatsuki, T, Field performance and effect of SHAKTI and KUBOTA power tillers on physical properties of soil under Sawah rice production in Nigeria. International Agrophysics, 23, 189-194, 2009. [PDF]
  9. Ademiluyi, SY, Oladele, OI, and Wakatsuki, T, Effect of power tiller operations on physical properties of soil under sawah rice production system in Bida, Nigeria. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment,Vol.7(1), 147-149, 2009. [PDF]
  10. Issaka, RN, Buri, MM, Wakatsuki, T, Effect of soil and water management practices on the growth and yield of rice in the forest agro-ecology of Ghana. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, Vol.7(1), 214-218, 2009. [PDF]
  11. Abe,SS, Oyediran, GO, Masunaga, T, Yamamoto, S, Honna, T, and Wakatsuki, T, Soil Development and Fertility Characteristics of Inland Valleys in the Rain Forest Zone of Nigeria: Mineralogical Composition and Particle-Size Distribution. Pedosphere, 19(4), 505-514, 2009. [PDF]
  12. Chen, X, Luo, AC, Sato, K and Wakatsuki,T et al. An introduction of a multi-soil-layering system: a novel green technology for wastewater treatment in rural areas. Water and Environment Journal, 23(4), 255-262, 2009. [PDF]
  13. Abe, SS, Yamamoto, S, and Wakatsuki, T, Soil-particle selection by the mound-building termite Macrotermes bellicosus on a sandy loam soil catena in a Nigerian tropical savanna. Journal of Tropical Ecology, Cambridge Univ. Press, 25(4), 449-452, 2009. [PDF]
  14. Abe, SS, Yamamoto, S, and Wakatsuki, T, Physicochemical and morphological properties of termite (Macrotermes bellicosus) mounds and surrounding pedons on a topsequence of an inland valley in the southern Guinea savanna zone of Nigeria. Soil Science & Plant Nutrition, 55, 514-522, 2009. [PDF]
  1. African Rice Congress, 22-26 March,2010, Bamako, Mali
    • Wakatsuki, T, Buri, MM, Bam, R, Oladele, IO and Imolehin, E, Site-specific sawah development and management by farmers: Large-scale action-research in Ghana and Nigeria to actualize rice green revolution. [PDF]
    • Wakatsuki, T, Buri, MM, Bam, R, Oladele, IO and Imolehin, E, Site specific sawah development and management by farmer’s self-propelling efforts: Action research in Ghana and Nigeria for demonstration of Sawah hypothesis (1) and (2). [PDF]
    • Acheampong, GK, Bam, RK, Annan-Afful, E, Wakatsuki, T, THE SAWAH TECHNOLOGY: A Rice Production system for effective weed management and crop productivity. [PDF]
    • Issaka, RN and Wakatsuki, T, Improving the adaptive capacity of smallholder rice farmers to climate change variability: The important of the 'Sawah technology. [PDF]
    • Buri, MM and Wakatsuki, T, Sustaining rice production under changing climatic conditions in southern Ghana: A case study in the Ahafo Ano South District. [PDF]
    • Ademiluyi, YS and Wakatsuki T , The Use of power tiller for sawah development and sawah system based technology for rice production in sub-Saharan Africa. [PDF]
    • Bandoh, MN and Wakatsuki T, Land tenure and its effect on Sawah Development and Sustainability: The case of smallholder rice farmers in the Ashanti and eastern regions of Ghana. [PDF]
    • Oppong, J and Wakatsuki, T, Performance of Jasmine 85 and Tox 3108 rice varieties under three hydrological regimes on sawah and travditional lowland rice cultivation systems in Ghana.
    • Annan-Afful, E, Productivity of sawah eco-technology: the role of sustainable rice-based cropping systems.
    • George, KA and Wakatsuki, T, Enhancing rice productivity in the Sawah system: The influence of genotype and weeding regime.
  2. The National Workshop of Fadama program coordinator, 27 January, 2010, Abuja, Nigeria
    • Ademiluyi, YS, Sawah Technology for Rice Production. [PDF]
  3. International Conference of the East and Southeast Asian Federation of Soil Science, 27-30 October, 2009, Seoul, Korea.
    • Darmawan, Asnita, Y, Masunaga, T and Wakatsuki, T, Effects of cascade irrigation system on phosphorous movement characteristic in terrace sawah in West Sumatra, Indonesia.
    • Aflizar, Husnain, Wakatsuki, T and Masunaga, T, Distribution of available Si in soils in relation with land use types and soil erosion status in Sumani watershed, west Sumatra, Indonesia.
    • Masunaga, T, Husnain and Wakatsuki, T, Geochemical properties and degradation of lowland sawah soils in West Java, Indonesia.
    • Hermansah, Masunaga, T and Wakatsuki, T , Nutrient management of Sawah in relation to soil characteristics and rice production in West Sumatra, Indonesia.
  4. African Crops ScienceSociety Conference, 27 Sep-1st Oct, 2009, Cape Town, South Africa
    • Bam, RK and Wakatsuki, T, Performance of rice genotypes in different rice (Oryza sativa) growing environment in Ghana.
  5. Commission Internationale de I’Organization Scientifique du Travail en Agriculture, CIOSTA, 17-19 June, 2009, University of Reggio Calabria, Italy
    • Oladele, OI and Wakatsuki, T, Innovative land and water use in Nigeria and Ghana for sustainable Agriculture.
  6. 平成20年度地域別研修「アフリカ型小規模水稲・普及」コース、JICA筑波センター、2009年7月6日
    • Wakatsuki, T, Sawah hypothesis (I) for Africa rice revolution, Sawah hypothesis (II) for intensive sustainability, and SATOYAMA concept for restoration of degraded watersheds.
  7. 第19回日本熱帯生態学会、2009年6月19-21日、大阪市立大学
    • 若月利之、水田農業の普及によるアフリカ緑の革命実現と温暖化防止
  8. 日本アフリカ学会第46回学術大会、2009年5月23-24日、東京農業大学
    • 若月利之、アフリカにおける適地適田開発による稲作の緑の革命への道
  • 収支決算報告書(様式C-6)[PDF]
  • 研究実績報告書(様式C-7-1)[PDF]
